Kevin L. Keller (Willcox Savage)

Phone number
Firm address
Kevin L. Keller (Willcox Savage)
440 Monticello Ave
Norfolk Va 23510
Jurisdictions in which you practice
Virginia, DC, and east coast generally

I am deeply committed to the cause of detransitoners, and especially protecting the children, and those mislead as children. I believe that the medicalized gender affirming care model is a great evil, comparable to frontal lobotomies and ovariectomies, which also of course targeted women. I have tried to be a thought and strategy leader in discussions nationally, along with several other fine firms. I have litigated personal injury cases for 30 years, including large 8 figure matters. I am anxious to handle any matters related to gender affirming care, and welcome referrals. My firm would need to approve any engagements on an ad hoc basis.

Names of individual attorneys who have interest in this work
Kevin L. Keller and Gary A. Bryant
Listing Category

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