Guillermo Andrés Morales Sancho

Firm address
Morales y Sancho Abogados, C/Alhamar 37, 1º F, 18004, Granada, Spain
Jurisdictions in which you practice
Spain, Europe (ECtHR, European Court of Justice)

I earned the award for the best PhD in Constitutional Law in Spain doing research on parental rights and children rights. Spain passed a trans law in 2023. I have worked stopping affirmative treatments.

Firm address
203 East Main St. Suite 2
PO Box 400, Enterprise, OR 97828
Jurisdictions in which you practice

Our firm represents Camille Kiefel, who is the plaintiff in one of the earlier "detransitioner" lawsuits in the United States. The only way for the medical and mental health care industry to truly be held accountable for providing "gender-affirming" care is for others like Camille to step forward and speak up. We are open to representing other individuals in the Pacific Northwest region who have been irreversibly damaged by "gender affirming" care, and are willing to take the step to confront those who harmed them, and seek justice.

Firm address
438 S. Pasadena Avenue
Pasadena, CA 91105
Jurisdictions in which you practice
California, Texas, all Federal

I live in Los Angeles, breeding ground for this dangerous practice of "gender affirming care" on minors. The soil is especially ripe here due to schools promoting the agenda, and laws passed to separate children and keep secrets from their parents.

My heart goes out to the children who are being lied to, and rushed into hormone treatments and surgeries, as well as their parents, who are being coerced into paying for these treatments because otherwise, they will "die".

Detransitioners have a voice, despite being censored. We are filing lawsuits. God has a plan for you. And together, we will speak out against this evil and seek justice for the lies they told you.